Now showing items 250-253 of 253

    • Rabbi Albert Slomovitz 

      Scott, Thomas Allan (1943- )
      Rabbi Albert Slomovitz served over 20 years as a navy chaplain before retiring and working as an assistant professor of history at KSU.
    • Rabbi Steven J. Lebow 

      Scott, Thomas Allan (1943- )
      Oral history of Rabbi Steven J. Lebow first full-time spiritual leader of Temple Kol Emeth.
    • Trent Turk 

      Scott, Thomas Allan (1943- )
      Trent Turk was the original founder and former owner of GeoSurvey, Ltd. a land surveying company. Mr. Turk served as a trustee on both the Souther Polytechnic University Foundation and the Kennesaw State University Foundation.
    • Vanessa Slinger-Friedman 

      Slinger-Friedman, Vanessa; Scott, Thomas Allan (1943- )
      Oral History with Vanessa Slinger-Friedman