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dc.coverage.spatialKennesaw, GA
dc.creatorSentinel staff
dc.identifier.citationThe Sentinel student newspaper collection, KSU/51/01, Kennesaw State University Archives.
dc.format.extent4 pages
dc.publisherDigitized by the Kennesaw State University Archives.
dc.rightsKennesaw State University's Department of Museums, Archives & Rare Books provides the information contained on this site for non-commercial, personal, or research use only. All other use, including but not limited to commercial or scholarly reproductions, redistribution, publication or transmission, whether by electronic means or otherwise, without prior written permission of the copyright holder is strictly prohibited.
dc.subjectCollege student newspapers and periodicals
dc.subjectKennesaw Junior College
dc.titleThe Sentinel Vol. 3, No. 7
dcterms.tableOfContents"Fantastics" parts cast by Socc and Buskin; Sentinel takes honors at Press Institute; Plans for Spring Festival presented by KJC students; Humanities division offers two seminars in English; Administors should formulate an association of junior colleges; What does "Mr. Warmth" have against cars?; Spring festival idea should be maintained; An open letter; What is a double petunia?; Campus Coed; Letters to the editor; SEA wins two honors at convention in Athens; Work-study program begun for students; Circle K elects spring quarter officers; Socc and Buskin makes a plea for help; Political farce...fare?; Life in the Division of Natural Sciences offers much variety; Gov. Lester Maddox gives "comments" to students; Dr. Joseph Fletcher speaks for spring religious emphasis; Hopefully...the last days of snow have left KJC; Update!; Vultures fight hard to gain victory in women's basketball; Men's intramural action sees Faculty team winning; Update!; Wrestling at KJC--A desire to win with strength and stamina
dc.audienceGeneral Public

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