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dc.coverage.spatialKennesaw, GA
dc.creatorSentinel staff
dc.identifier.citationThe Sentinel student newspaper collection, KSU/51/01, Kennesaw State University Archives.
dc.format.extent20 pages
dc.publisherDigitized by the Kennesaw State University Archives.
dc.rightsKennesaw State University's Department of Museums, Archives & Rare Books provides the information contained on this site for non-commercial, personal, or research use only. All other use, including but not limited to commercial or scholarly reproductions, redistribution, publication or transmission, whether by electronic means or otherwise, without prior written permission of the copyright holder is strictly prohibited.
dc.subjectCollege student newspapers and periodicals
dc.subjectKennesaw College
dc.titleThe Sentinel Vol. 13, No. 4
dcterms.tableOfContentsWhere Did All the Spaces Go?; KC Construction; Great Man Dies; Enough is Enough; The Facts of Police Fantasy; Letters to the Editor; Out of the Campus Blues; Bookstore Inadequacy; Is the Library Inadequate?; Money and Credit is now Available; SGA Forum; Cancer Research at Emory; Sentinel Questionnaire; Amendments; Help Available; This is Your Union; Education Column; Mis Georgia Universe; Scuba Club; Writer, Critic to Speak; Students, Fraternities; Wild Food at Fernbank; Helpful Hands Give Life; Pushing Pens; Opportunities Abroad; Poetry Review; Cultures Cross in Club; Take a Fall Mt. Weekend; Unite in Christian Love; Classifieds; Continuing Your Education; Washington Center for Learning Alternatives; Brant Keller, New Recreation Administrator; Information Booth Equipment; P.E. Classes Need Expansion; Swim Results; Nature Bound; Hustlers Hit Kennesaw; Turkey Trot; Intramurals at Kennesaw; Student Union Sponsors Bonfire; Cheech and Chong Movie Review; Record Review: The Cars; Champion Spark Plug Road Racing; What is a Doonesbury; Comics
dc.audienceGeneral Public

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