Now showing items 1-20 of 260

    • Ann Pullen 

      Scott, Thomas Allan (1943- )
      Oral History with Ann Pullen
    • Bill Paden 

      Scott, Thomas Allan (1943- ) (2022-03-11)
      Bill Paden, a retired Lockheed Martin engineer, discusses the restoration and history of a prototype C-141B. He details the reason the C-141As were converted to C-141Bs which essentially stetched the plane to increase ...
    • Bob Ormsby 

      Scott, Thomas Allan (1943- ) (2022-03-11)
      Bob Ormsby, former Lockheed president, discuses the C5 aircraft development and the reduction of weight they needed to do for it, the creation of the Aircraft Museum, and the impact of the aircraft industry on the city of ...
    • Brian Wills 

      Scott, Thomas Allan (1943- )
      Oral History with Brian Wills
    • Claude Edwin Chandler Photographs and Family Tree 

      Scott, Thomas Allan (1943- ); Chandler, Claude
      A family tree and photographs relating to Claude Edwin Chandler's life in Clarke and Cherokee County.
    • Collected Interviews, Vol. 10 

      See, Arthur A., Jr.; Caudle, Randall K.; Smith, Mark A. (Kennesaw State University Archives, 2016-03-18)
    • Deane Bonner 

      Scott, Thomas Allan (1943- ) (2022-03-11)
      Deane Bonner, president emeritus of the Cobb County NAACP, discusses some of the early pioneers of the Cobb County NAACP.
    • Dr. Tim and Reed Brown 

      Scott, Thomas Allan (1943- ) (2022-03-11)
      Reed and Dr. Tim Brown discuss the Marietta School System, their careers, Reed Brown with West Side School and Dr. Tim Brown as a teacher and then Assistant Principal of Marietta High School.
    • Felecca Wilson Taylor 

      Scott, Thomas Allan (1943- ) (2022-03-11)
      Felecca Wilson Taylor talks about her mother, Hattie Wilson, and her one experience participating in a sit-in that occurred at McLellan's.
    • Fred D. Bentley, Sr 

      Scott, Thomas Allan (1943- ) (2022-03-11)
      Fred D. Bentley, Sr. discusses why he started his law practice on Washington Avenue and about the history of the Bentley Firm building which is located in the original Cobb County Courthouse from the 1800s.
    • Interview with Alan V. LeBaron 

      Scott, Thomas Allan (1943- ); Yow, Dede (Kennesaw State University Archives, 2014-08-29)
    • Interview with Alfred Jackson 

      Scott, Thomas Allan (1943- ); Cawley, Mary B. (2021-09-23)
      Oral history with Alfred Jackson. Oral history covers a variety of topics, including education during the early twentieth century, agriculture, cemeteries in Cobb County, Naval service, and work at the Dobbins Air Force Base.
    • Interview with Amy M. Buddie 

      Scott, Thomas Allan (1943- ) (Kennesaw State University Archives, 2014-08-29)
    • Interview with Ana-Maria Croicu 

      Scott, Thomas Allan (1943- ) (Kennesaw State University Archives, 2017-07-07)
    • Interview with Ann D. Smith 

      Scott, Thomas Allan (1943- ) (Kennesaw State University Archives, 2017-07-14)
    • Interview with Anthony Coleman transcript, November 23, 2009 

      Briggs, Stephen M.; Lutz, Jay (Kennesaw State University Archives, 2014-08-29)
    • Interview with Army Lester III 

      Scott, Thomas Allan (1943- ); Yow, Dede (Kennesaw State University Archives, 2014-08-29)
    • Interview with Austin Clayton 

      Harper, Kathleen (Kennesaw State University Archives, 2014-10-23)
      Austin Clayton was a student at SPSU throughout the KSU-SPSU consolidation process. Clayton was one of three SPSU student and alumni representatives to address the Board of Regents in November 2013.
    • Interview with Barbara C. Karcher 

      Scott, Thomas Allan (1943- ); Yow, Dede (Kennesaw State University Archives, 2014-08-29)
    • Interview with Bernard D. Goldfine 

      Scott, Thomas Allan (1943- ); Yow, Dede (Kennesaw State University Archives, 2014-08-29)