Joe B. Gabriel Digital Image Collection
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The collection consists of digital reproductions of 26 "8 x 10" black and white photographs, six smaller black and white photographs, and a section of the Lockheed Southern Star, the official publication of the Lockheed Aircraft Corporation, Vol.1, no.21, January 4, 1952. The original materials were loaned to the Kennesaw State University Archives by Joe Gabriel and document the contract work carried out by employees of Lockheed Aircraft Corporation in the early 1950s. The project involved refurbishing and restoring Bell B-29 bombers, which had been stored in the Texas desert since the end of WWII. Gabriel and others were responsible for flying the old bombers from Texas to Marietta, Georgia. In November 1951, plane 065 crashed about twenty miles east of Dallas-Fort Worth. Joe Gabriel was aboard this plane as was another crew man named Joe Sedita. Both men survived the crash.
Recent Submissions
The Lockheed Southern Star, 1952
(Lockheed Aircraft Corporation, 2017-05-22)1952 issue of the Lockheed Southern Star - the official publication of the Lockheed Aircraft Corporation -
Joe Sedita Photographs
(2017-05-22)Photographs of Joe Sedita - one of the crew members present on the crashed B-29 Bomber plane. -
B-29 Crash Photos
(2017-05-22)Photos of the 1951 plane crash during the B-29 Bomber relocation project. -
Group shots of Joe Gabriel and other Lockheed employees
(2017-05-17)Photos of Joe Gabriel and other Lockheed employees circa 1952.